Outline Horse Vector

We use cutting-edge AI to measure the wellbeing of your animal from its facial expression, body posture, and voice.

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At FaunaAI, we strive to revolutionize animal wellbeing by offering comprehensive and accurate emotion analysis. Our AI algorithms analyze various factors, including facial expressions, vocalizations, body language, and contextual cues, to provide valuable insights into the emotional states of animals.

Our cutting-edge technology combines the latest advancements in AI and machine learning to decode and interpret the complex emotions of animals. With our innovative approach, we aim to bridge the communication gap between humans and animals, fostering a stronger bond and enabling us to provide them with the care they deserve.

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Based on over 5 years of academic research at top research institutions (MIT, University of Cologne, University of Bamberg, HSLU)

What we offer

Embrace the Language of Emotions: Your Gateway to Animal Understanding

Improved Human-Animal Communication

AI technology bridges the communication gap, translating animal emotions into human insights. Empowering understanding and connection between humans and animals, fostering trust and well-being.

Early Detection of Emotional Distress

AI-powered emotion analysis detects subtle cues of emotional distress in animals, enabling early intervention. Prompt action by pet owners, veterinarians, and caregivers improves overall well-being.

Accurate and Objective Assessment

AI-driven assessments provide objective insights into animal emotions. Analyzing facial expressions, vocalizations, and body language, we offer valuable understanding for tailored care and intervention.


Animal owners

  • Accurate and objective assessments of animal emotions.
  • Early detection of emotional distress or discomfort.
  • Tailored care and intervention for improved well-being.
  • Deeper understanding and connection with animal companions.
  • Enhanced communication leading to a stronger bond.


  • Insights into animal emotions for more effective training methods.
  • Better understanding of an animal's needs and behavior.
  • Prompt action and appropriate support for emotional well-being.
  • Improved communication and interaction with animals.
  • Enhanced efficiency in farm management and animal welfare.


How it works



Collective Intelligence

Arrow Shape
Arrow Shape

Emotional State of

your Animal



cloud data outline icon


Arrow Shape
Video File Icon
Loud Volume Icon
Illustration of a Camera

Help us Enhance our

Collective Intelligence

Lined Minimal Human Intelligence

Meet our founders

Emily kieson


peter gloor

alina Hafner




Embrace the Language of Emotions: Your Gateway to Animal Understanding

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Brown Australian Shepherd Dog Puppy
Spotted Appaloosa Horse Cutout
Young Singapura Cat